berikut adalah contoh code untuk mengambil semua nomer handphone semua mahasiswa
<?php include "./bootstrap.php"; class GetPhone{ private $admin; private function logStatus($t){ $f = fopen(__DIR__.'/GetPhone.log','a+'); if($f){ $now = new \DateTime(); $now->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('Asia/Jakarta')); $time = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $text = $time.': '.$t."\n"; echo $text; fwrite($f,$text); fclose($f); } } public function run(){ $this->admin = new \UniversitySDK\Admin; //$this->admin->setHost('http://university'); $ret = $this->admin->login('[email protected]', 'password'); if(!$ret){ echo 'failed to login'; return; } $faculties = $this->admin->getAllFaculties(); $semesterID = 1022; $statusCode = 'A'; $result = []; if($faculties!=NULL){ foreach($faculties as $fac){ $programs = $this->admin->getAllProgramInFaculty($fac->ID); if($programs!=NULL){ foreach($programs as $prog){ echo $prog->name .PHP_EOL; $ret = $this->admin->login('[email protected]', 'password'); if(!$ret){ echo 'failed to login'; return; } $stdActs = $this->admin->getStudentActivityByProgramAndSemesterAndStatus($prog->ID, $semesterID,$statusCode); foreach($stdActs->data as $stdAct){ $std = $this->admin->findStudent($stdAct->StudentID); if($std){ $data = ['NIM'=>$stdAct->NIM, 'phoneNo'=>$std->address->phoneNo, 'contactNo'=>$std->address->phoneNo]; $result[] = $data; } } } } } } file_put_contents('phone.json', json_encode($result)); echo 'done'; } } $p = new GetPhone(); $p->run();